
Curved Treadmills

Treadmills are a very popular option for home exercise equipment. The continuous belt makes it possible to walk or run in place. It also provides an even surface for less stress compared to running outdoors. If you are looking for an even better workout, Woodway’s curved treadmills might be right for you.

Lifespan Fitness Lifespan Fitness Corsair FreeRun 105 Curved Treadmill $3,929.95 $5,399.00
Woodway Woodway Curve Treadmill $20,799.00

What is a manual treadmill?

Unlike standard treadmills where the belt moves by a motor, manual treadmills do not use any electricity. In other words, the belt turns only by the force of your feet. Compared to electric treadmills, this provides a much more intense workout. 

It also means that the treadmill will last much longer and require zero-maintenance. In fact, for both these reasons, manual treadmills are the top choice for professional sports teams and their fitness facilities.

What is a curved treadmill?

A curved treadmill has a concave-shaped belt, with the lowest part being in the middle. Curved treadmills are smartly designed to better accommodate the way we walk or run. The belt is normally made of slats, in order to accommodate the curvature, and it requires users to push the belt down with the balls of the feet.

What are the benefits of a curved treadmill?

While some manual treadmills do have flat decks, curved treadmills are a much better option. There are three important distinctions between the two. First, because the belt turns only by your feet, most manual treadmills are curved. This gives you a little more force, thanks to gravity, to help the belt move smoothly along as you run.

Second, as noted above, the design of curved treadmills isbiomechanically suited for human movement. Having a more ergonomic surface to run on means your body will feel better when you exercise andexperience fewer stressors. This is why curved treadmills are preferred by rehabilitation facilities to help people learn to walk again and recover from injury.

Finally, curved treadmills alsoengage more of your muscle groups, as you work to maintain correct posture on the curved surface. As a result, the curvature of the deck allows users to burn up to 30% more calories than running on a flat treadmill. 

How to use a curved treadmill

Curved treadmills are very intuitive to use. Because there is no electricity, you are the motor for these self powered treadmills. When you start to run faster, the belt speeds up. And when you want to slow down, just gradually decrease your pace, and the belt will follow suit. 

When you slow down, you will drift further down the curve, because the system works based on your body position and gravity. It’s that easy. Curved treadmills are natural to use because you control your pace at will, not via buttons. And like all treadmills, there are hand and foot rails if you need to jump off quickly.

Woodway Curve treadmills

Woodway offers two amazing curved treadmills, each with their own benefits. TheWoodway Curve treadmill is the original, very popular model for professional athletes. TheWoodway Curve Trainer treadmill has a slightly lower incline, making it ideal for rehabilitation. 

What is the best curved or manual treadmill for running/sprinting?

If you are looking to train for high-performance athletes, theWoodway Curve treadmill is for you. The steeper curvature of this treadmill is specifically designed for the motion of sprinting and fast running. 

It is often used by sports teams to help improve running form and posture, and unlike electric treadmills, it is possible to explode into a full sprint in just a couple of steps.

What is the best curved or manual treadmill for walking/jogging?

TheWoodway Curve Trainer treadmill was designed with a lower curvature in order to demand a lessened intensity from users. It is perfectly suited for walking and jogging and will allow you to build your endurance and stamina. Unlike the first model, the Trainer treadmill is meant for long-duration workouts. And because it is so easy on the joints, you can repeat your workout daily.

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