
flat bench press

Bench Press: Mastering Technique for Maximum Gains

  • 28 min read

Learning to bench press properly is crucial for anyone interested in strength training.

The bench press is a fundamental exercise that targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps. It’s known for building significant upper-body strength and muscle mass.

Practising with the right form ensures maximum effectiveness and minimises the risk of injury.

To perform a bench press correctly, you should split your instructions into two sentences. For example, you could say, "Lie on a bench with your eyes under the bar. Then, grip the bar with your thumbs around."

Practising with the right form ensures maximum effectiveness and minimises the risk of injury.

To perform a bench press correctly, lie on a bench with your eyes under the bar. Then, grip the bar with your thumbs around.

Straighten your arms to unrack the bar, lower it to your mid-chest, then push it back up until your arms are fully extended. Keep your core stable and avoid lifting your butt off the bench.

Following these steps with every session helps you build strength safely and efficiently.

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Key Takeaways

  • Proper form is essential for effective bench presses.
  • Bench presses target chest, shoulders, and triceps.
  • Always keep your butt on the bench for safety.


Bench Press Basics

How to Perform the Bench Press

Bench pressing in a power rack is the safest method. The safety pins should be set at a height where they can catch the barbell if you fail to lift it.

If a power rack isn't available, ask someone at the gym to spot you. Follow these five steps for proper form:

  1. Position: Lie down on the flat bench with your eyes directly under the bar. Lift your chest and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Keep your feet flat on the floor.
  2. Grip the Bar: Place your pinkies on the ring marks of the bar. Hold the bar at the base of your palms with a full grip and straight wrists.
  3. Unrack the Bar: Take a deep breath and straighten your arms to lift the bar off the rack. Move the bar over your shoulders and lock your elbows.
  4. Lower the Bar: Lower the bar to the midline of your chest while tucking your elbows at a 75-degree angle. Keep your forearms vertical and hold your breath at the bottom.
  5. Press the Bar Up: Press the bar back up to above your shoulders, keeping your butt on the bench. Lock your elbows at the top and breathe out.

Once you've completed your set, carefully rack the weight. Move the bar back into the power rack’s uprights and bend your elbows to safely place it down.


Setting Up for a Bench Press

Proper equipment setup is essential. Adjust the safety pins on your power rack to ensure they can catch any failed lifts. Position the bench at the centre.

Before lifting, ensure your wrists and shoulder blades are correctly aligned.

  1. Lie Down: Sit at the end of the bench first, then lie back so your eyes are under the bar.
  2. Shoulder Blades: Lift your chest and tighten your upper back. Squeeze your shoulder blades together.
  3. Gripping the Bar: Place your pinkies inside the ring marks. Grip the bar low, near your wrist, and squeeze it tightly.
  4. Foot Placement: Set your feet flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart, and directly under your knees.
  5. Unracking the Bar: Straighten your arms and lift the bar out of the rack. Move it over your shoulders and balance it there.

Consistency in your setup ensures you maintain proper technique, whether you’re warming up or lifting heavier weights.


Basics of Bench Press Form

Your body structure affects your bench press technique. Shoulder width and upper arm length play significant roles. Here are some general guidelines to follow and adjust as you gain more experience:

  • Grip: Hold the bar close to your wrist and squeeze it.
  • Grip Width: Your hands should be placed just inside the ring marks of the bar, ensuring vertical forearms at the bottom position.
  • Thumbs: Wrap your thumbs around the bar for a secure grip.
  • Wrists: Keep a straight line from the bar to your wrists to your elbows; avoid bending your wrists.
  • Elbows: Position your elbows at about a 75-degree angle from your torso at the bottom.
  • Forearms: Maintain vertical forearms from both side and front views.
  • Shoulders: Keep your shoulders on the bench without shrugging them forward.
  • Upper Back: Squeeze your shoulder blades together for better stability.
  • Chest: Lift your chest towards the bar while lowering it, but keep your butt on the bench.
  • Head: Position your eyes under the bar and keep your head neutral.
  • Lower Back: Maintain a natural arch; you should be able to slide a flat hand between your lower back and the bench.
  • Butt: Keep your butt firmly on the bench to prevent cheating.
  • Feet: Place your feet flat on the floor, directly under your knees, with a shoulder-width stance.
  • Unracking: Straighten your arms and place the bar above your shoulder joints.
  • Bar Path: Lower the bar to your mid-chest while tucking your elbows at a 75-degree angle.
  • Bottom Position: Maintain straight wrists and vertical forearms. Your elbows should be in, but not touching, your torso.
  • Pressing Up: Press the bar up from your mid-chest to above your shoulders without pausing at the bottom.
  • Lockout: Lock the bar over your shoulder joint, making sure your elbows are straight at the top.
  • Racking: Lock your elbows, move the bar back against the rack, and lower it safely into the uprights.
  • Breathing: Take a big breath at the top, hold it while lowering and holding the bar at the bottom, then exhale at the top.


    Muscles Worked by Bench Press


    Chest Muscles (Pectoralis Major)

    The bench press is highly effective for targeting the pectoral muscles, or pecs. This compound exercise engages the pectoralis major, which is the thick, fan-shaped muscle that makes up the bulk of the chest.

    When you perform the bench press, especially the flat bench press, you ensure comprehensive activation of this muscle group, leading to increased strength and muscle size over time.

    To maximise the activation, you can modify the angle of the bench. For example, the incline bench press focuses more on the upper part of the pecs.

    Variations like the dumbbell bench press also offer a unique challenge and help in conditioning the pectoral muscles because they require more stabilisation.


    Tips for Pecs Activation:

    • Keep your grip width moderate, aligning your thumbs with your shoulders.
    • Ensure your elbows are slightly tucked in, at about 75 degrees from your body.
    • Lower the bar slowly and press it back up with controlled power.


    Front Shoulder Muscles (Anterior Deltoid)

    The anterior deltoid, located at the front of your shoulder, plays a vital role during the bench press. As you push the barbell up, this muscle helps in the upward movement and stabilisation. It works in tandem with the pecs to lift the weight effectively.

    An effective bench press form includes keeping your shoulders retracted and pressed against the bench. This positioning not only helps in lifting heavier weights but also protects your shoulders from unnecessary strain.


    Tips for Anterior Deltoid Activation

    • Keep your shoulders stabilised by squeezing your shoulder blades together.
    • Use a bench press grip that distributes the workload evenly between your chest and shoulders.
    • Avoid over-flaring your elbows, as this can put extra strain on your deltoids.


    Back Arm Muscles (Triceps)

    The triceps are another key muscle group that is heavily engaged during the bench press. This muscle, located at the back of your upper arm, is crucial for extending your elbows as you press the barbell upwards. The triceps aid in locking out your arms at the top of the movement.

    To specifically target the triceps more, you can use a narrower grip, which focuses the exercise less on the chest and more on the arms.

    Various dumbbell variations can also affect how much the triceps are engaged, giving you a wider range of workout options.


    Tips for Triceps Activation:

    • Maintain a close grip to shift more focus onto the triceps.
    • Lower the bar to the mid-chest and press it straight back up.
    • Keep your elbows tucked slightly to avoid undue stress on your shoulders.


    Upper Arm Muscles (Biceps)

    Although the biceps are not the primary movers in a bench press, they act as stabilisers throughout the movement.

    Located at the front of your upper arm, the biceps help control the descent of the barbell and assist in stabilising your arm while pressing the weight up.

    Their role is more about keeping your arm steady rather than actively lifting the weight.

    Ensuring that you maintain proper form during the bench press can help in optimising the stabilising benefits of the biceps.


    Tips for Biceps Stabilisation:

    • Keep your wrists in a neutral position to enhance stabilisation.
    • Focus on a controlled lowering of the bar to engage the biceps.
    • Ensure your forearms stay vertical as you lower the weight to keep the biceps activated.


    Side Torso Muscles (Serratus Anterior)

    The serratus anterior, located along the side of your thorax, plays a supportive role during the bench press.

    This muscle helps in scapular movement and stability, which is essential for a stable bench press.

    When you press the barbell up, the serratus anterior helps in stabilising your scapula and allows a smoother motion.

    Including exercises that target the serratus anterior can enhance your bench press performance by improving your overall torso stability.

    Variations like the incline bench press can provide additional benefits by engaging this muscle group more intensely.


    Tips for Serratus Anterior Activation:

    • Ensure your shoulder blades move smoothly by keeping them retracted at the start.
    • Focus on slow, controlled movements to engage both the pecs and serratus anterior.
    • Include specific scapular exercises in your routine to strengthen this muscle group.


    Bench Press Variations and Their Benefits


    Narrow Grip Bench Press

    The Narrow Grip Bench Press involves pressing the bar with a narrower grip.

    To perform this exercise, set up as you would for a regular bench press, but position your hands about shoulder-width apart. Lower the bar to your mid-chest and push it back up.

    Using a closer grip increases the range of motion, making the exercise more challenging.

    Your triceps work harder, and your chest engages less.

    If you have shoulder pain with the traditional bench press, the narrow grip might alleviate discomfort by keeping your elbows closer to your body.

    It's essential not to grip too narrowly to avoid straining your wrists. Aim for shoulder-width apart for maximum benefit and safety.

    This variation is ideal for those looking to build triceps strength in activities like the overhead press.


    Incline Bench Press

    The Incline Bench Press is performed on a bench set at about a 30° angle.

    Lie down with your feet on the floor and grip the bar with a medium grip. Lower the bar to your upper chest and push it back up over your shoulders.

    Many people believe this exercise targets the upper chest muscles, but the chest contracts as a whole.

    This means both the upper and lower parts of the pectoralis major muscle work together during the movement.

    Increasing your overall bench press strength is the most effective way to develop your chest muscles.

    The incline bench press can also help improve your performance in other lifts, such as the deadlift and push-up.


    Decline Bench Press

    For the Decline Bench Press, lie on a decline bench with your hips higher than your head. Use leg attachments to prevent sliding. Lower the bar to your lower chest and then push it back up.

    This variation targets the "lower chest." However, like with all bench press exercises, the chest muscles contract as a whole.

    The range of motion in this press is shorter, which limits its effectiveness.

    Improving your standard bench press will naturally enhance your lower chest.

    If needed, add exercises like dips for additional lower chest work.

    This exercise might be helpful for bodybuilders focusing on chest aesthetics and muscle definition.


    Dumbbell Press

    The Dumbbell Press uses two dumbbells instead of a barbell.

    Place the dumbbells on the floor in front of the bench, sit at the end, and stand up with the dumbbells resting on your thighs. Lie back and press the weights.

    Some believe using dumbbells is safer because you can drop them if you fail, but this isn't always true.

    Heavy dumbbells can be difficult to manage, especially without a spotter.

    A barbell allows you to lift heavier and make smaller, more manageable weight increases.

    Dumbbells offer the benefit of independent movement for each arm, which can address imbalances, but they also pose a higher risk of injury if not controlled properly.

    The dumbbell press is an excellent supplementary exercise but should not replace the barbell bench press.

    If shoulder issues persist with the barbell, consider adjusting your technique or using a floor press.

    Dumbbells can aid in muscle growth and hypertrophy by working stabilising muscles more intensely.


    Comparison Table: Bench Press Variations

    Variation Main Muscles Benefits Challenges
    Narrow Grip Bench Press Triceps, Chest Alleviates shoulder pain, increases tricep strength Increased wrist strain
    Incline Bench Press Upper Chest, Shoulders Comprehensive chest development, improves other lifts Perceived isolation myth
    Decline Bench Press Lower Chest, Triceps Focus on lower chest aesthetics Limited range of motion
    Dumbbell Press Chest, Shoulders, Triceps Address muscle imbalances, intense stabilising work Safety concerns, difficult to lift heavy without spotter


    Each of these bench press variations offers unique benefits for different aspects of strength training and muscle growth. Integrating them into your routine can help target specific muscle groups and enhance your overall powerlifting and bodybuilding performance.


    Bench Press Safety To Avoid Injury


    Handling Failed Reps

    If you’re lifting weights and can't complete a rep, using a Power Rack can save you from getting stuck.

    Power Racks have safety pins that catch the bar if you can’t lift it back up.

    Position these pins just below your lowest point when benching, so they don't interfere with your good reps.

    If you fail, let the bar come down to your chest, flatten your body, and let the bar rest on the safety pins.

    Bench pressing without a Power Rack or a spotter can be risky.

    If you get stuck, you might have to use the "Roll of Shame."

    In this method, you lower the bar to your chest, then roll it down to your stomach and pick it up from there.

    This can be painful because of the heavy weight pressing into your stomach.

    Another option is to bench without the clips that lock the weights in place.

    This way, if you get stuck, you can tip the bar to one side to let the weights fall off, but it can annoy people in the gym due to the noise and potential damage.

    Using dumbbells instead of a barbell might seem safer, but it's not always the case.

    If you fail with heavy dumbbells, they can fall on your face.

    Or, you might have to drop them on the floor, which can damage the equipment and annoy others.

    The Power Rack is a better option, as the safety pins catch the bar, preventing it from falling on you or the floor.

    Always avoid using a thumbless grip, sometimes called a "suicide grip."

    This grip increases the risk of the bar slipping out of your hands and causing serious injury.

    Instead, use a full grip where your thumbs wrap around the bar. This provides more control and safety.

    Ensure you’re lifting with proper form and start with lighter weights to build up your confidence and technique.


    Bench Pressing Without a Spotter

    It’s possible to bench press safely without a spotter if you use a Power Rack.

    Many experienced lifters, including world champion powerlifters, bench press without a spotter by relying on the Power Rack’s safety pins.

    These lifters handle heavy weights safely because the pins catch the bar if they fail to complete a rep.

    Even if a spotter is available, the Power Rack adds an extra layer of safety.

    Not all spotters are well-trained. They might get distracted or react too slowly, and some might even grab the bar mid-rep, increasing the risk of an accident.

    Therefore, always use a Power Rack for extra security. Set the safety pins correctly to catch any failed rep.

    A spotter's primary role is to help you lift the bar off the rack and position it over your shoulders.

    This assistance helps you maintain good form and conserves energy for the lift itself.

    However, an inexperienced spotter might pull the bar too hard, disrupting your form.

    This is why benching alone in a Power Rack might sometimes be the safer choice.


    Avoiding the Thumbless Grip

    Using a thumbless grip can be extremely dangerous.

    In this grip, your thumbs do not wrap around the bar, which increases the chances of it slipping and falling onto your face.

    Instead, always use a full grip where your thumbs wrap around the bar. This way, the bar is securely held, reducing the risk of a slip.

    If your wrists hurt when using a full grip, it might be because they’re bent.

    Keep your wrists straight by grasping the bar lower in your hands.

    This is known as the Bulldog Grip.

    With this technique, the bar sits closer to your palm, aligning your wrist and forearm, which helps distribute the weight more evenly and reduces strain on your wrists.


    Body Position For Bench Press with Perfect Form


    Hand Placement

    You should wrap your thumbs around the bar to ensure a secure grip. This is the safest technique for bench pressing heavy weights. Squeeze the bar tightly to prevent it from moving in your hands. This will help engage your arms, shoulders, and chest muscles more effectively. A tighter grip can also help increase your bench press.


    Grip Width

    Your hands should be placed with a medium grip, with your pinky fingers inside the ring marks on the bar. Your forearms need to be vertical to the ground when the bar touches your chest. A medium grip is generally effective for most people. Wider grips can stress your shoulders, while narrower grips shift focus to the triceps, making it harder to bench press heavy weights.



    Keep your wrists straight when you bench press. Maintaining a straight line from the bar through your wrists to your elbows helps ensure proper form and minimises wrist pain. Gripping the bar as low and close to your wrists as possible will also help keep your wrists from bending back.



    As you lower the bar, tuck your elbows in slightly. Your elbows should not be perpendicular to your torso or touching it. Instead, aim for an upper-arm angle of around 75°. Having your elbows directly below the bar improves power transfer and decreases joint stress.



    Your forearms should remain vertical to the ground when the bar touches your chest. This position offers the safest and most effective way to bench press. Holding the bar low in your palm using the Bulldog Grip, with your wrists straight, helps keep your forearms in the proper position.



    Position yourself on the bench so that your eyes are directly below the bar. This positioning shortens the distance the bar travels when you unrack it, making it easier to lift. Avoid pushing your head into the bench to prevent neck strain. Your head should remain neutral, looking straight up at the ceiling.



    Squeeze your shoulder blades together and down toward your hips. This action stabilises your upper back and creates a solid base for pressing. Keeping your shoulders tight also helps protect them from injuries.



    Your entire upper back should stay tight and engaged throughout the lift. Squeezing your shoulder blades together and keeping them down towards your hips ensures a stable and strong upper back.



    When you lower the bar, touch it lightly to your chest, around the nipple line. Keeping the bar path consistent ensures proper technique and muscle engagement. Remember to inhale deeply before lowering the bar to stabilise your chest and core.


    Lower Back

    Arching your lower back slightly is crucial. A slight arch helps create a more stable base without causing strain. Maintain a neutral spine, avoiding excessive arching to safeguard your lower back.



    Keep your buttocks firmly planted on the bench. Lifting your buttocks off the bench reduces stability and increases injury risk. Ensure your glutes are tight and engaged to maintain full-body tension.



    Plant your feet flat on the ground and keep them steady. Your feet should help provide a solid base, contributing to your overall stability. Proper foot placement also assists with leg drive, helping to improve your lift.


    Bench Press Movement with Proper Form




    Before you lift the bar, lie on the bench with your eyes directly under it. This means you're close enough to use minimal energy moving the bar into position. Place your feet flat on the floor and keep them firmly planted for stability.


    Grip the bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Your pinkies should be inside the rings on the bar for a medium grip. Wrap your thumbs around the bar securely. Avoid using a thumbless grip to prevent the bar from slipping.

    Unracking Technique

    Arch your back slightly and push your shoulder blades together. Take a deep breath, brace your core, and then push the bar off the rack. Move the bar so it is directly above your shoulders with straight arms before you begin the movement.


    Way Down

    Elbow Position

    Lower the bar to your chest while tucking your elbows at about a 75° angle to your torso. This helps protect your shoulders and allows for a more powerful lift.


    Move the bar in a controlled manner, taking about two to three seconds to lower it. This ensures you maintain good form and muscle engagement.


    Exhale slightly as you lower the bar to maintain tension, but keep most of your breath to brace your core.


    Bottom Position

    Chest Contact

    Touch the bar to the middle of your chest. Avoid letting it bounce off your chest; instead, let it gently make contact.

    Forearm Position

    Your forearms should remain vertical to the ground, forming a straight line from your elbows to your wrists. This alignment is crucial for maximising strength and reducing pressure on your joints.


    Way Up

    Push with Control

    Press the bar back up by focusing on pushing with your chest and triceps. Ensure your elbows flare out slightly to return to their original position.


    Exhale forcefully as you push the bar up. This helps generate more power and maintain core tightness through the lift.

    Leg Drive

    Initiate the upward movement by driving your feet into the ground. This helps stabilise your body and generates additional power for the lift.



    Elbow Position

    Fully extend your arms to lock out the elbows without hyperextending them. This ensures the rep is complete and secures the bar before lowering it again.

    Wrist Position

    Your wrists should remain in line with your forearms, avoiding any backward bending. This alignment reduces strain and enhances leverage.

    Brace Core

    Keep your core engaged to maintain stability throughout the movement.



    Align Bar to Rack

    After locking out the bar, move it back towards the rack while keeping your elbows locked. Make sure the bar is aligned with the hooks before you set it down.

    Controlled Descent

    Lower the bar into the rack in a controlled manner to avoid any accidents. Do not drop the bar abruptly, as it can damage the equipment and potentially injure you.

    Release Grip

    Once the bar is safely on the rack, release your grip and relax. Ensure your hands are clear of the bar before moving.


    Bar Path

    Natural Curve

    The bar should follow a slightly curved path rather than a straight line. Moving the bar from the lower chest on the way down to over the shoulders on the way up is most efficient.

    Avoid Horizontal Movement

    Don't let the bar drift horizontally too much. Excessive horizontal movement indicates a lack of control and can lead to inefficiency and potential injury.

    Straight Line View

    From a side view, ensure the bar forms a vertical line with your forearms at the bottom. This alignment maximises power transfer and protects your wrists.




    Take a deep breath before unracking the bar and hold it until you’ve lowered the bar to your chest. Holding your breath increases pressure in your abdomen, which stabilises your spine and provides better support.


    Exhale forcefully as you push the bar up. This release of breath aids in maintaining your core tightness and helps power through the sticking point.

    Consistent Breathing Pattern

    Maintain a consistent breathing pattern for each repetition. This helps regulate your oxygen levels and keeps your muscles well-fuelled throughout the exercise.


    Bench Press Equipment To Improve Your Lift



    Properly setting the uprights is essential. When you grab the bar, your arms should be bent, and your eyes should be positioned directly under the bar. This helps you maintain stability by keeping your shoulder-blades squeezed and your back slightly arched.

    If your arms are straight when you grab the bar, the uprights are too high, causing your shoulders to move forward when you unrack the bar, making you less stable. Conversely, if the uprights are too low, you might find yourself performing a half bench press just to unrack the bar, wasting precious strength. Adjusting the uprights to a middle ground ensures your shoulders remain tight and stable.

    Some power racks don't have enough holes to perfectly fit your arm length. You can try drilling more holes or raising the bench slightly by placing plywood under it. If none of these options work, it's better to have the uprights set a bit low, which may waste some energy, but at least your shoulders will remain back and tight.


    Safety Pins

    Safety pins in a power rack are crucial for bench pressing safely. Set them just below your chest level to ensure the bar doesn't touch them during a good rep. If the bar touches the pins during a proper lift, it can throw off your balance and affect your performance.

    In case of a failed rep, lower the bar to your chest first and then to your safety pins by flattening your torso. This method is safer and ensures you're not hitting the safety pins during successful reps.

    Bench pressing in a power rack eliminates the need for a spotter. Even if you have a spotter, using the safety pins provides an extra layer of protection, allowing you to push harder with more confidence. You can focus more on your lift without the fear of failure, which can help improve your bench press over time.



    For a balanced lift, ensure your bench is centred in the power rack. It should support your entire upper back, and it must be stable and sturdy. Ideally, a bench should be 30cm (12 inches) wide. Stability is crucial to help you drive yourself into the bench, and a narrower bench won’t provide the necessary support.

    The bench height should be about 45cm (18 inches). If it's too short, your butt may lift off the bench during the lift, which is not ideal. Elevate the bench if needed by placing plates under its legs to maintain proper height. Also, the bench should be robust, with a load capacity of at least 300kg (600lb), to ensure safety under heavy loading.



    Centering your barbell before lifting is essential for an even unracking. Position the bar against the front of the uprights. This reduces the distance you need to move the bar from the rack to your shoulders. If the bar is too far back in the rack, you’ll need to move it further forward, wasting energy and compromising safety.

    Use a barbell with revolving sleeves. This feature allows the plates to spin independently of the barbell itself, reducing stress on your wrists and elbows and helping maintain a stronger grip. Position your hands properly by placing your pinky fingers inside the vertical marks on the bar for the best arm alignment.


    Wrist Straps

    Wrist straps provide support, especially when lifting heavy weights. They help stabilise your wrists, making it easier to handle the barbell without strain.

    Choosing the right wrist straps is important. Look for ones that offer good support yet allow for some flexibility. They should be snug but not excessively tight, as this could restrict blood flow.



    Using chalk improves your grip on the barbell, reducing the chances of slippage. It absorbs sweat and increases friction between your hands and the bar, enabling you to lift with more confidence.

    Before lifting, apply a thin layer of chalk to your hands. This small step can make a significant difference in maintaining a firm grip. Especially during heavy or long sets where sweat could become an issue.



    Proper footwear affects your stability and power transfer during bench pressing. Look for flat-soled shoes that provide a stable base. Avoid running shoes with excessive cushioning, as they can create an unstable surface.

    The right shoes help you apply force more effectively through your feet. This is crucial for maintaining proper form and balance during your lift. Some lifters prefer lifting shoes with a slight heel for additional support and stability.


    Benching Safely Alone, Without Spotter


    Using the Power Rack for Bench Press

    A Power Rack is the safest place to perform a bench press solo. It consists of four vertical supports, and the barbell is not attached to rails, allowing freedom of movement. If you fail a rep, the safety pins will catch the bar, preventing it from falling on you. Good quality racks can handle heavyweights, offering more reliability than a human spotter. This allows you to bench press heavier weights confidently.


    Benefits of Using a Power Rack:

    • No need for a spotter; the safety pins will catch failed reps.
    • Increased safety and freedom, eliminating the risk of the bar dropping on your chest.
    • Enhanced confidence, enabling you to push your limits.
    • Useful for both bench press and squats, making it a versatile investment.

    If your gym lacks a Power Rack, consider switching to one that has it or invest in building your home gym. 

      To avoid safety pins intersecting with your lifting path, make sure to set them just below your chest touchpoint – but not too low.


      Staying Safe Without a Power Rack

      If a Power Rack isn't available, there are other methods to ensure safety. You can use a squat rack with safety pins, although these may not be adjustable. In such cases, raise your bench by placing weights underneath to match the level of your chest effectively.

      • Always have an escape plan in case you fail a rep.
      • Roll of shame – Lower the bar to your chest, roll it down to your stomach, and then slide out from under it.

      While these methods can be less convenient and sometimes uncomfortable, they can provide a level of safety when a Power Rack isn’t accessible.


      Less Safe Bench Options...

      Smith Machines are often suggested as alternatives to bench pressing without a spotter, but they come with limitations. In a Smith Machine, the barbell is attached to rails, which means it moves in a fixed path. This lack of free movement can put unnatural stress on your shoulders and limit your ability to develop balance and stabilisation muscles. Moreover, the fixed path doesn't always align with your body's natural range of motion, which can potentially lead to injuries over time.

      Another option some lifters consider is using dumbbells instead of a barbell. While dumbbells can provide a safer alternative if you drop them, they require a higher level of control and stabilisation, which might not be ideal for everyone. If you choose this route, start with lighter weights to master the form before progressing to heavier sets.


      Correct Bench Press Form

      Maintaining proper form is crucial for safety and effectiveness.

      1. Grip – Your hands should be evenly spaced on the bar. A popular and safe grip involves wrapping your thumbs around the bar to prevent it from slipping, often called a thumbs-around grip.
      2. Set Up – Lie on the bench with your feet flat on the floor. Your eyes should be directly under the bar.
      3. Shoulder Position – Keep your shoulder blades retracted and your chest up. This helps keep your shoulders stable.
      4. Bar Path – Lower the bar to your mid-chest, keeping your elbows at a 75° angle from your body.
      5. Press – Push the bar back up to the starting position, locking your elbows at the top without fully extending them.


      Asking for Assistance is Acceptable

      While training without a spotter in a Power Rack or using safety techniques can be effective, don't hesitate to ask for a spotter if you feel unsure. Having someone to assist during your lift can give you extra confidence and safety. It's common and perfectly fine to ask for a spot in a gym setting. Just ensure the spotter is attentive and knows how to assist.

      Steps to Request a Spotter:

      1. Politely Ask – Approach someone and ask if they can help you for a brief moment.
      2. Explain Your Needs – Tell the spotter how many reps you aim to perform and when they should step in.
      3. Communication – During the lift, communicate any adjustments or needs promptly.


      Common Bench Press Mistakes


      Thumbless Grip

      Using a thumbless grip, where your thumbs are on the same side as your fingers, can seem more comfortable and might reduce wrist pain. However, this grip increases the chance of the bar slipping out of your hands. Without your thumbs to secure the bar, it can roll and fall, potentially causing serious injury. Always use a full grip by wrapping your thumbs around the bar to ensure safety and improve your lift.


      Flaring Your Elbows

      Keeping your elbows flared out at a 90-degree angle while bench pressing puts unnecessary stress on your shoulders. This position can lead to shoulder impingement as your rotator cuff gets pinched with each rep. Instead, tuck your elbows about 75 degrees. This technique alleviates shoulder strain and promotes better form, helping you lift more effectively and safely.


      Using Machines

      Bench pressing with machines like the Smith Machine might seem safer as they balance the bar for you. However, these machines force the bar to move in a straight line, which is not natural for your shoulders. This can lead to shoulder impingement and pain. Free weights allow for a natural bar path, promoting better shoulder health and overall strength gains.


      Benching with Bent Wrists

      When you bench press with bent wrists, you're setting yourself up for wrist pain and inefficiency. A bent wrist means the bar is not aligned with your forearm bones, which is less stable and limits force transfer. Grip the bar lower in your hands and keep your wrists straight to avoid pain and improve your lift.


      Not Using a Power Rack or Spotter

      Bench pressing heavy weights without a power rack or a spotter is extremely risky. If you fail a lift and can't rack the bar, it can drop on your face, throat, or chest, causing serious injury or death. Always use a power rack set at the right height to catch the bar if you can't complete a lift, or have a spotter who can help if needed.


      Racking The Bar Incorrectly

      Improperly racking the bar after finishing a lift can lead to accidents. Make sure to guide the bar directly into the rack hooks instead of just dropping it or ramming it into place. This ensures that the bar is secure and reduces the risk of it falling or slipping unexpectedly.


      Not Locking Your Elbows At The Top

      Failing to lock your elbows at the top of the lift means you're not completing the movement fully. This reduces the effectiveness of your workout and can put extra strain on your shoulders and triceps. Make sure you lock your elbows at the top to fully engage your muscles and improve your strength.


      Bench Pressing with a Flat Chest

      Keeping your chest flat while bench pressing can limit your range of motion and reduce the effectiveness of the lift. Arch your chest slightly to ensure a better lift path and engage your chest muscles more fully. This technique also helps protect your shoulders from strain.


      Raising Your Butt off The Bench

      Lifting your butt off the bench during a bench press is a form cheat that's often used to lift more weight. However, this can put unnecessary strain on your lower back and make the lift less effective. Keep your butt on the bench to maintain proper form and engage the correct muscle groups.


      Bench Pressing with Your Feet In The Air

      Bench pressing with your feet in the air reduces your stability and power. By keeping your feet flat on the ground, you create a stable base and can use leg drive to help with the lift. This not only increases your lifting power but also keeps your form cleaner and safer.


      How To Increase Your Bench Press Weight


      Bench More Frequently

      Increasing the frequency of your bench press sessions can help you improve faster. Instead of benching once a week, try benching twice a week.

      For instance, you can bench press on Monday and then again on Friday. This allows you to practise the movement more and refine your form. The more often you bench, the more your form improves, and better form translates into greater strength.

      Many people suggest switching exercises to increase your bench press. However, exercises like push-ups, dumbbell bench presses, and dips won't train the specific bench press movement as effectively. To get better at bench pressing, you need to practice the bench press itself.

      Consider incorporating a programme which has you bench press every other workout.


      Perfect Your Bench Technique

      Form is crucial for maximizing your bench press. Proper form not only makes the movement more effective, but also ensures safety. Incorrect grip or position can lead to injuries. Here are key points to focus on:

      • Grip: Hold the bar low in your hands, close to your wrists, and use a full grip.
      • Wrists: Keep your wrists straight to avoid pain.
      • Elbows: Tuck them at a 75° angle at the bottom, ensuring they're directly under the bar.
      • Forearms: Keep them vertical, aligning bar, wrist, and elbow in a straight line.
      • Chest: Lift your chest towards the ceiling, squeeze your shoulder blades, and arch your back for tightness.
      • Shoulders: Keep them back on the bench and drive yourself into the bench when pressing.
      • Feet: Keep them flat on the floor with a shoulder-width stance.
      • Bar Path: Move the bar in a diagonal line from mid-chest to shoulders.
      • Racking: Lock your elbows, move the bar over your shoulders, and get a lift-off if available.


      Add Weight Gradually

      To build strength, you need to gradually increase the weight you bench press. Don't stick to the same weight for too long.

      Aim to add a small amount of weight, like 2.5kg (5lb), each time you bench press. This incremental increase pushes your muscles to adapt and grow stronger.

      Programmes like StrongLifts 5×5 incorporate this principle by prompting you to add weight and deload when necessary.


      Reduce The Reps

      Switching to lower reps can help you lift heavier weights. Instead of doing sets of eight or ten reps, try doing sets of five. This method allows you to bench press heavier weights before fatigue sets in.

      The heavier weights help build both strength and muscle. For instance, StrongLifts 5×5 uses sets of five to maximise strength gains and build muscle by working with heavier weights.


      Use Microloading

      Microloading involves adding less than 2.5kg (5lb) per workout to delay plateaus. This is particularly useful for the bench press, which uses smaller muscles compared to squats or deadlifts.

      Smaller increments allow for gradual strength gains without overloading your muscles too quickly. This method helps to prolong your progress and prevent sudden plateaus.


      Extend Rest Between Sets

      Taking longer breaks between sets can help you lift heavier weights. Shorter rest periods may not give your muscles enough time to recover, which can limit your performance. Aim for rest periods of 2-3 minutes between sets.

      This allows your muscles to recover more fully, enabling you to lift heavier in the next set.


      Enhance Your Warmup Routine

      A proper warmup prepares your muscles and joints for heavier lifting. Start with light weights and gradually increase the load.

      Warming up also helps to refine your form before lifting heavy. A good warmup should include a few sets with lighter weights to activate your muscles and enhance blood flow.


      Perform Multiple Reps With One Breath

      Holding your breath for multiple reps can help maintain stability and core tightness. This technique, known as the Valsalva manoeuvre, creates intra-abdominal pressure, which supports your spine and aids in lifting heavier weights.

      Take a deep breath before starting a set and hold it through several reps until it becomes too much, then exhale and reset.


      Be Cautious With Gimmicks

      Not all training accessories and techniques are beneficial. Stick to proven methods and avoid getting distracted by the latest gadgets or trends.

      Focus on the basics of heavy, frequent bench pressing with proper form. Gimmicks can sometimes lead to injuries or give a false sense of progress.


      Incorporate Paused Reps

      Adding paused reps can break through sticking points and improve overall power. During paused bench presses, briefly hold the bar at your chest before pressing up.

      This eliminates the stretch reflex and forces your muscles to generate more force from a dead stop. Incorporate these as assistance exercises to strengthen your bench press.


      Exercise Patience

      Building strength takes time. Progress might be slow, but consistency and persistence are key.

      Stick to a well-structured programme, focus on improving your form, and gradually increase your weights. With patience, you will see improvements in your bench press strength and overall upper-body power.


      Frequently Asked Questions

      What are the benefits of including a bench press in your workout regime?

      Including the bench press in your workout can help develop your pectoral muscles, shoulders, and triceps. It is excellent for building upper body strength and muscle mass. Additionally, it can improve your endurance and enhance your push movements, making daily activities easier.

      How does an incline bench press differ from a flat bench press?

      The incline bench press is performed on a bench set to an upward angle. This variation targets your upper chest and the front deltoids more intensely than the flat bench press.

      On the other hand, the flat bench press focuses on the middle part of your chest and overall shoulder and arm strength.

      What factors should one consider when selecting a bench press machine?

      When choosing a bench press machine, check for durability and build quality. The bench should have adjustable settings, comfortable padding, and a sturdy frame.

      Ensure that it supports the weight you intend to lift and fits within your workout space.

      How can one accurately calculate their one-rep max for the bench press?

      To estimate your one-rep max (1RM), warm up thoroughly. Choose a weight you can lift comfortably for 3-5 repetitions.

      Then, use a 1RM calculator or a formula: ( 1RM = Weight × Reps × 0.0333 / 1.0333 ). Always have a spotter for safety.

      What techniques ensure a safe and effective bench press exercise?

      Follow these tips for a safe and effective bench press:

      • Warm-Up: Always start with a proper warm-up.
      • Grip: Use a comfortable grip; neither too wide nor too narrow.
      • Positioning: Keep your feet flat on the ground and your back slightly arched.
      • Control: Lower the barbell slowly to your chest and push up explosively.
      • Spotter: Use a spotter or safety bars to prevent accidents.

      Can the bench press contribute to improving overall upper body strength?

      Yes, the bench press is a core exercise for enhancing upper body strength. It engages multiple muscle groups, including the chest, shoulders, and triceps.

      Regularly performing the bench press can lead to significant gains in strength, power, and muscle definition in these areas.

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