
Expert Advice

Learning to bench press properly is crucial for anyone interested in strength training. The bench press is a fundamental exercise that targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps. It’s known for building significant upper-body strength and muscle mass. Practising with the right form ensures maximum effectiveness and minimises the risk of injury.
  • 28 min read
If you're serious about leg day, you've likely encountered the leg press machine and the hack squat machine. Both machines are excellent for building strength, size, and definition in your lower body.
  • 13 min read
Choosing between an exercise bike and walking as a workout can be a tough decision. Each option offers unique benefits, and the best choice often depends on your personal fitness goals and preferences.

If you're looking to burn more calories in less time, an exercise bike might be the better option for you. On the other hand, walking is a more accessible and low-impact exercise that is easy on your joints.
  • 8 min read

Running on a treadmill offers good shock absorption, which can be gentler on your joints, especially if you have the right running shoes. On the other hand, outdoor running provides a natural terrain that can enhance your balance and strengthen different muscle groups.

The environment can significantly impact your workout experience. Running outside allows you to enjoy fresh air and changing scenery, which may boost your motivation and mental health.

  • 8 min read
Choosing between a treadmill and a cycling bike can be a tough decision for anyone looking to improve their fitness. Each has its own set of benefits and can help you achieve your fitness goals, but they also have unique features that may make one a better fit for your needs.

If you're looking to burn more calories in a shorter amount of time, the treadmill usually comes out on top.
  • 8 min read

Searching for the perfect treadmill can be challenging, especially when deciding between manual and electric models.

A key difference is that manual treadmills are powered by your movement, making them excellent for a more intense workout.

In contrast, electric treadmills use a motor. This offers a range of speeds and incline options that can suit various fitness levels.

  • 9 min read

Choosing between a spin bike and an upright bike can be confusing for many fitness enthusiasts.

The main difference lies in the workout intensity and comfort each bike provides.

While spin bikes are designed for high-intensity workouts with an aggressive riding position, upright bikes offer a more relaxed experience suitable for people of all fitness levels.

  • 7 min read
Choosing between a curved treadmill and a flat treadmill for your workouts can be a tough decision. Curved treadmills, powered solely by your movements, offer a highly efficient calorie burn and a more intensive workout experience.
  • 8 min read
Choosing between a spin bike and an air bike can be challenging, especially if you are committed to achieving your fitness goals. Each type of exercise bike offers unique benefits and caters to different workout styles. If you are aiming for a high-intensity, full-body cardio workout, an air bike is your best bet. The fan bike, as it is also called, uses a large fan to create resistance and engages both your upper and lower body.
  • 8 min read
When you’re trying to decide between a treadmill and an exercise bike for weight loss, it’s essential to weigh the benefits of each. Both machines have unique advantages that can help you achieve your fitness goals.

Running on a treadmill generally burns more calories compared to using a stationary bike, making it a strong option for those focused on shedding pounds quickly.

  • 8 min read
Choosing between treadmill walking and outdoor walking often depends on personal preferences and goals. Walking on a treadmill provides a stable environment with consistent conditions. This can be especially beneficial for those who are concerned about weather or uneven terrain.

This stability not only helps in maintaining a regular fitness routine but also includes features like adjustable inclines to mimic hill walking.
  • 8 min read
Choosing between a rowing machine and a Pilates reformer can dramatically impact your fitness journey. Each machine offers unique benefits, but the right choice depends on your specific goals. If you aim for a full-body workout with a blend of strength training and cardiovascular conditioning, a rowing machine is ideal.

On the other hand, if you’re looking to enhance flexibility, core strength, and endurance, a Pilates reformer might better suit your needs.
  • 9 min read